Caerleon Arts Festival: Author’s Day

Caerleon is an interesting little village on the outskirts of Newport in South Wales. It’s steeped in history and stories wrap themselves around it from Arthurian legend to another type of Arthur, Arthur Machen who was born here and drew inspiration from the countryside.

It also has a vibrant Arts Festival which celebrated its tenth year this year and for the first time included a literary weekend as part of its programme of events. I was involved in Author’s Day where I interviewed five authors in a tent in a wet field behind the Priory Hotel.

The rain may have put off the crowds (unless it was the prospect of encountering me in a tent) but it certainly didn’t dampen the event which for me at least was absolutely fascinating and a radical change from my usual routine of interviewing politicians. The presence of an audience and questions added to the experience. Here are some snaps.

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