Why don’t books come with a digital version?

I’m reading a book. It’s a wonderful book: Salman Rushdie’s memoir ‘Joseph Anton.’ And the thing itself is beautiful: well-printed and bound with a vellum-feel to the cover underneath the dust-jacket. Just look at it. It’s just the sort of book you’d want to own, to cherish and to keep for the rest of your … More Why don’t books come with a digital version?

My Dylan Thomas Prize thoughts on Wales Arts Review

I’ve compiled my instant reviews on the Dylan Thomas Prize contenders into one essay over on Wales Arts Review but with added features like a special edition CD: I’ve imitated the judging process by drawing up a shortlist and choosing a winner. Sadly the winner won’t get anything other than a warm glow of approbation. While … More My Dylan Thomas Prize thoughts on Wales Arts Review

Joseph Conrad

I was reading some short stories by Joseph Conrad this week which reminded me it was high time I put up the essay I wrote for the now sadly defunct Raconteur magazine a few years ago. It also had an outing on the also-departed Wales Home so fingers crossed I manage to keep this blog … More Joseph Conrad