Relics 8: signed Adrian Edmonson novel

My signed copy of 'The Gobbler' by Adrian Edmonson

This must be one of my favourite inscriptions in a book. I’m sure you can read what it says, but just in case it reads:

For Adrian, Shame about the name! Adrian Edmondson

It came about because I’d interviewed Adrian Edmonson back in the mid-1990s when he was promoting his first and, so far only, novel, ‘the Gobbler’ and I was a reporter at a commercial radio station in Cardiff, Red Dragon. The reason behind the inscription is because we’d swapped stories before the interview about the name we share and the school mockery it led to. I’d been a big fan of ‘the Young Ones’ and couldn’t quite believe we were chatting like old pals, even if was just for an hour.

When I dug the book out to take this snap, I re-read it and it’s not at all what you’d expect. Entertaining and more than a little bleak.

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