It’s happened before but I wasn’t expecting it this time: a musical malaise has crept up on me. Normally I listen to a mixture of old music augmented by a steady stream of new songs. Right now I can’t be bothered with any of it.
There are always times when I feel a bit jaded with my musical tastes and stare at the records or CDs, unable to choose one. This time I also find myself flicking through itunes on shuffle without ever really settling on anything. None of it grabs me.
Worse, I haven’t bought or listened to anything new for months - since March in fact. Nor have I been to a single gig since before Christmas.
I would hate to do without music in my life. How do I cure this musical malaise?
You should rediscover the classics in your life. Those albums that really excited you when you first heard them twenty or more years ago, but you rarely play these days. Go back to them and give them a proper listen, remember what they meant to you and why.
And stop being such a miserable old fart and get out there and see some gigs.
Tough love!
I suffer from musical malaise from time to time too. There are two approaches that can work for me (they don’t always). The first is to try cleansing the palate by listening to nothing but classical music for a few days. I alternate between Radio 3 and Classic FM (I’m not a musical snob) avoiding the opera (I hate it). It works for me because I quite like a lot of the music but it’s unfamiliar and doesn’t draw me in. It just works away in the background cleaning my brain and then the urge to listen to and engage with the music I really love returns. The other is to ask a friend to make you a mix CD - someone with different taste to you and, very importantly, someone who isn’t concerned about how they’ll come across through the choices they make. This has really opened thing up for me from time to time.
But sometimes, all there is for it is to try not to worry and read a book.
Good luck. I know it’s a painful time.
Thanks v much. That’s similar to what someone else suggested so there must be something in it. I don’t want to overstate it because it’s hardly life threatening but I’d hate to be bored and jaded with music. I’ll let you know if it works!
Dear Adrian,
I suggest you give up listening to symphonies, piano, opera etc and go back to roots in the human voice. The easiest route is American blues; the real old cotton fields stuff, the hollering,and then Leadbelly with his wonderful black protest songs. Another of my favourites is Mississippi John Hurt, who has a marvellous way with the guitar. Another is Doc Watson. And the boogie tradition; the black players of Chicago in 1930-60, who did this wonderful stuff in their spare time. Meade Lux Lewis, with the Welsh name….
All made at home stuff. And of course Louis Armstrong, the finest trumpeter who ever lived. Self-taught; an orphan….
Best wishes
John Idris Jones Ruthin
H’m Leadbelly, now there’s a good idea! Thanks for the advice John. I’ll let you know if it works!