‘We had all been in the rain together until yesterday.’

I’ve just finished reading ‘A Man of the People’ by the great Nigerian writer, Chinua Achebe. Despite being published in 1966 and set in an unnamed, newly-independent African republic, its bleak satire is remarkably fresh and not just in relation to African politics. Its judgements about motives are as true for Western politicians as they … More ‘We had all been in the rain together until yesterday.’

Marcus Warner’s 2010 Top Ten

The fourth guest Top Ten comes from arch-blogger and political activist Marcus Warner. In his day-job he’s caseworker for Plaid Cymru’s MEP, Jill Evans. But he’s as passionate about his music as his politics. You can read his blog here. Kanye West - Monster http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ona42jz8w0k&feature=player_embedded No doubt the album will get into people’s top tens … More Marcus Warner’s 2010 Top Ten

More guest top tens.

The next two posts should have appeared before the new year, but I’m only just getting around to posting them. I blame the usual post-Christmas cold and early New Year torpor. So what follows is more Hi-fidelity-style listing of music from the last year from another two guest listers from the political world. They’re both … More More guest top tens.